I set my blog aside for over a year because I was really busy with my final year in LASALLE. And yep, I've graduated from college. The feeling is overwhelming. Being in Fashion is no joke, my darlings, but boy am I glad that it's over. Even if I neglected my poor blog, I have been updating my Instagram religiously. (Follow me: @fayeroco)
Anddd, if you're wondering about what I've been up to recently: I'm still funemployed but I'm currently doing freelance jobs for a graphic design company. I realised that it's better to brush up on my skills first than dive in head first into a full-time job. I'm grateful for the projects being given to me not only because I'm earning from them but cuz I'm learning as well. #earningandlearning
Nice T-shirt!
MiiKey MiiSport C Blue Wireless